Keyone’ Starr

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And a “Starr” was born………………..

Almost every aspiring artist dreams of the moment they catch their big break. Mississippi native Keyone’ Starr caught hers a little over two years ago when she was approached by songwriter/ record producer Mark Ronson after he saw her perform at a club in her hometown of Jackson, Mississippi. Starr signed with Mark Ronson and Jeff Bhasker in 2014 and since has been featured on Ronson’s Grammy nominated LP Uptown Special.

If you’re not familiar with Ronson by name, more than likely you are familiar with his work. He has produced multi-platinum Grammy winning albums for Amy Winehouse and Adele, and has worked with various other talented artists over the years.

I was able to catch up with Keyone’ for a brief interview as she preps for her Grammy nomination celebration which will be held next week in her hometown.

Check out the interview below.

AE: I read that you are a preacher’s daughter, so is it safe to say you were first introduced to music in the church? Did you sing in the choir?

KS:  Yes I’m a pastor’s child so I’ve sung in pretty much every choir there could possibly be.


AE:   When did you realize you wanted to seriously pursue music and turn it into a career?

KS:    2010 after I had my daughter.


AE:   Who are some of your biggest music influences?

KS:   Chaka Khan, Aretha Franklin, The Funkadelics and Lauryn Hill.


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AE:  I read that music producer Mark Ronson approached you after hearing you sing at a club in your hometown. Can you give a few details on how that conversation went and were you familiar with Mark Ronson before that encounter?

KS:  The first conversation with him was pretty cordial; I complimented him on his attire. Although I was very familiar with his music, I was unaware of him as Mark Ronson the producer.


AE:  When did you sign with Mark Ronson and Jeff Bhasker and what emotions were you feeling when you got signed?

KS:  I signed in March 2014 and solidified June 2014. I was overwhelmed with emotions and I was excited to begin a new journey; a journey that I’ve prayed for since a young girl and it has finally come true. I am truly grateful for that opportunity.


AE:  What was your experience like being featured on the song I Can’t Lose off of Ronson’s LP Uptown Special and the experience of being in the music video?

KS:  A lot of long hours, a lot of exhausting hours at that. A lot of work that I had to get done and overall a taste of reality in my intro to the music industry.


AE:  Uptown Special was Grammy nominated for album of the year and the single Uptown Funk featuring Bruno Mars was also nominated. In Uptown Funk there is a line in the song that mentions Jackson, Mississippi. Is it true you were the inspiration behind that line and how do you feel being a part of a Grammy nominated project?

KS:  Yes it’s true. He thought it was cool that I was from Jackson and wanted to include it on a song, and it feels great to know hard work pays off and I can’t wait to bring it home.


AE:   What projects are you working on for the future?

KS:  Currently working on my first solo EP and some tour dates coming up soon, can’t announce them just yet though.


AE:   Do you have any words of advice for aspiring artists?

KS:   Know that being delayed is not being denied, and always be confident and stay true to yourself and pray.


Catch up with Keyone’ here and check out the video to “I Can’t Lose” below.