Mobile Suit: Alfred Banks


Alfred Banks

Photo Cred: SneakerBoxx

Author: Ashley E.

Hip Hop is alive and well in the city of Jackson, Mississippi.  Last week 3rd Eye Booking Company put on a hip hop show that was headlined by New Orleans artist Alfred Banks. The show also featured local Jackson artists T-lo Da Champ, Death II Society, Eig21ht, and Alexander Fre$co. The event took place at Offbeat, a culture store and hidden gem off of Wesley Street in Jackson. The store has become a second home for creatives.


Alexander Fre$co

Photo Cred: SneakerBoxx

I had a great time hosting the show and the energy in the building was crazy. The crowd and the artists fed off of each other’s vibe. Each artist brought their own individual and unique styles during their sets.


Taylor White (Death II Society)

Photo Cred: SneakerBoxx

The headliner, Alfred Banks who was named Complex Magazine’s Top 10 Upcoming Emcees from New Orleans and one of the Top 5 Rappers from Louisiana had a dope set. He is definitely a storyteller and a true lyricist. During his set he debuted a new music video and song. Banks is the creator of UnderdogCentral: “The place where the overlooked go to hone their skills, to return and become the admired.” It is also his label and social network handle, and a place where he connects with fans.


Ashley E. (1/2 of The Double Scoop) was the host for the night

Photo Cred: SneakerBoxx

T-lo da Champ, Death II Society, Eigh21ht and Alexander Fre$co all had dope sets as well. You can tell how passionate the artists were about their crafts because it showed during their performances. There is definitely a lot of talent in the Sip and hopefully the state and artists here will start getting more recognition.


Death II Society

Photo Cred: SneakerBoxx

Working 9 to 5 Just To Stay Alive


Author: Ashley E.

The conveyor belt of life:

Go to school, graduate with a degree, get a job, start a family, and pay bills for just about the rest of your life. The economy has changed so much now that most bachelor’s degrees are equivalent to high school diplomas, and a master’s degree is almost equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. Most of us take out excessive, high interest student loans to pay for our education and once we graduate we find that jobs in our field are scarce so we end up working jobs that we could have obtained without our “fancy” degrees.  Most of us are barely making enough to pay back all of the debt we’ve accumulated and we will be forever indebted to the government.  Many people are avoiding college all together and deciding to pick up trades or lean towards less traditional careers.

I had a conversation with my sister about how the thought of going to school for so many years just to prepare to work for someone else for the rest of your life is depressing. I do realize that in order for the average person to sustain a lifestyle that person has to work to earn an income. We have bills to pay, food and clothes to buy, families to support, and with whatever is leftover we want to try to somewhat enjoy life within the madness.

About a year ago I came across an interview that J Cole did with Angie Martinez on Power 105.1 and it spoke to me in so many ways. He referred to the majority of us that go through this “conveyor belt” cycle of life as sellouts………..

“We all sellouts….. You selling out. You going to something you don’t like. Why? So you can live and survive. To me life don’t feel like it’s supposed to be like that no more. It feel like somebody time gotta be worth more than $8 an hour. You spend your whole day going to work, 8 hours out of your day. A day is only 24 hours, you gonna sleep 8 of those so right away that’s 16 hours. Half of your day is making $8 an hour.  Even if you get $15 an hour and they trying to raise minimum wage. ……A hour of my life is worth $15? Ok but I gotta do it, I gotta work, I gotta eat.”

He also touched on some heavy issues that most people are afraid to talk about. He referred to capitalism as paid slavery and he discussed how most people are out for themselves looking to make a profit despite what is being jeopardized in the process.

“That’s what capitalism teaches us. It’s a every man for himself mentality. It’s a I gotta be on top….For me to be on top, I gotta have a bottom. For me to own McDonalds, I gotta have somebody at the bottom working at McDonalds. For me to own any company, any business… Capitalism is like… to me it’s like… I don’t know the alternative; I don’t even know if it exists. I don’t think we’ve evolved to something that exists yet, but capitalism is just paid slavery. It’s the same set up as slavery, only difference was slaves wasn’t getting paid.”


Martinez addressed him taking part in the Ferguson protests and he opened up on how he feels that we live within a system that wants us to become so preoccupied and distracted with our own lives that we don’t have time to take a stand on anything or have compassion for someone else.


“It’s graduate college and it’s like now I gotta pay my bills now, I gotta get this deal before my time runs out. Like life happens and you worry about all this stuff and you don’t have the time to fight for nothing no more. You don’t have the time to even care because I got my own kids…  yea this man died, but it’s like yo bruh  I got bills and twitter is popping right now, and Instagram is hot, and ‘Love and Hip Hop Reunion’ is on. It’s like they love to distract you and like keep you occupied while they just molest the world and milk the world. You know what I mean?”


J Cole said a mouthful. He has been on my favorite rapper list for a while now and not just because of his music but because of his mindset and intelligence. The interview made me have a new level of respect for him.  A lot of artists are starting to step up and use their influencing power to speak out on a lot of the things that are being swept under the rug in our society.


Check out the interview here.



Beyonce’ Is Black and Proud


“I like my baby hair with baby hair and afros… I like my Negro nose with Jackson 5 nostrils….”

Author: Ashley E.

 Often criticized for not speaking out more on issues concerning the black community, Beyoncé spoke out loud and clear a few days ago when she released a politically charged video to her single Formation. And if that wasn’t enough to get the people talking, her performance at the Superbowl Sunday night surely did.

King Bey took over the field during halftime with her dancers following suit adorned in black leather, berets and afros. Being the calculated artist that she is, it’s not surprising that she chose to perform Formation during the year that marked the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther formation.

Her video to Formation is filled with so much imagery and underlying messages that you have to watch it more than once to take in everything and let it marinate. She highlighted Hurricane Katrina, embracing black beauty and culture, police brutality, and the black lives matter movement in a video that was less than 5 minutes. She chose to release the video during Black History month and around the birthday of Trayvon Martin, the black teen that was killed a few years ago at the hands of a police officer.

The opinions about Beyoncé’s performance and video have been mixed. Many people are accusing her of jumping on the “pro black” bandwagon, and others have commended her for choosing to take a stance in pure “King Bey” style.

I am far from a Bey stan but I’m a fan of some of her music and have always admired her work ethic and grind. I love to see how far her dedication and hard work has taken her throughout the years. She is one of the most successful black female entertainers in the world so I respect and admire the fact that she took a stand using a huge platform like the Superbowl where millions were watching to shed light on black issues. Did it make me want to throw my fist in the air and start a revolution? No… but she knows how influential she is and she chose to make a statement in her own way.

Check out the video to Formation here.

Keyone’ Starr

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And a “Starr” was born………………..

Almost every aspiring artist dreams of the moment they catch their big break. Mississippi native Keyone’ Starr caught hers a little over two years ago when she was approached by songwriter/ record producer Mark Ronson after he saw her perform at a club in her hometown of Jackson, Mississippi. Starr signed with Mark Ronson and Jeff Bhasker in 2014 and since has been featured on Ronson’s Grammy nominated LP Uptown Special.

If you’re not familiar with Ronson by name, more than likely you are familiar with his work. He has produced multi-platinum Grammy winning albums for Amy Winehouse and Adele, and has worked with various other talented artists over the years.

I was able to catch up with Keyone’ for a brief interview as she preps for her Grammy nomination celebration which will be held next week in her hometown.

Check out the interview below.

AE: I read that you are a preacher’s daughter, so is it safe to say you were first introduced to music in the church? Did you sing in the choir?

KS:  Yes I’m a pastor’s child so I’ve sung in pretty much every choir there could possibly be.


AE:   When did you realize you wanted to seriously pursue music and turn it into a career?

KS:    2010 after I had my daughter.


AE:   Who are some of your biggest music influences?

KS:   Chaka Khan, Aretha Franklin, The Funkadelics and Lauryn Hill.


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AE:  I read that music producer Mark Ronson approached you after hearing you sing at a club in your hometown. Can you give a few details on how that conversation went and were you familiar with Mark Ronson before that encounter?

KS:  The first conversation with him was pretty cordial; I complimented him on his attire. Although I was very familiar with his music, I was unaware of him as Mark Ronson the producer.


AE:  When did you sign with Mark Ronson and Jeff Bhasker and what emotions were you feeling when you got signed?

KS:  I signed in March 2014 and solidified June 2014. I was overwhelmed with emotions and I was excited to begin a new journey; a journey that I’ve prayed for since a young girl and it has finally come true. I am truly grateful for that opportunity.


AE:  What was your experience like being featured on the song I Can’t Lose off of Ronson’s LP Uptown Special and the experience of being in the music video?

KS:  A lot of long hours, a lot of exhausting hours at that. A lot of work that I had to get done and overall a taste of reality in my intro to the music industry.


AE:  Uptown Special was Grammy nominated for album of the year and the single Uptown Funk featuring Bruno Mars was also nominated. In Uptown Funk there is a line in the song that mentions Jackson, Mississippi. Is it true you were the inspiration behind that line and how do you feel being a part of a Grammy nominated project?

KS:  Yes it’s true. He thought it was cool that I was from Jackson and wanted to include it on a song, and it feels great to know hard work pays off and I can’t wait to bring it home.


AE:   What projects are you working on for the future?

KS:  Currently working on my first solo EP and some tour dates coming up soon, can’t announce them just yet though.


AE:   Do you have any words of advice for aspiring artists?

KS:   Know that being delayed is not being denied, and always be confident and stay true to yourself and pray.


Catch up with Keyone’ here and check out the video to “I Can’t Lose” below.


What’s Love Got To Do With It?

jada and will

Author: Ashley E.

Who wants that perfect love story anyway?………………………… I think most people want to find love whether they want to admit it or not. We want to find our better half, a companion, someone to experience the highs and lows of life with, and someone that will add more happiness to our lives.  But what exactly is love? Is love a feeling, a choice, or an action? Is it a combination of the three? How much does love play a part in making a relationship or marriage last? Love is just a four letter word but it has so much depth.  I reached out to several men and women to get their opinions on love. Some were married, single, in relationships, divorced and remarried so they all offered diverse and interesting perspectives.

I had a conversation with a coworker a while back about what it meant to love another person and he told me the only woman he truly loved was his ex-girlfriend. I asked him why he loved her and he started listing things that she did for him like cooking, cleaning, giving him massages and bathing him. Oh and mind you, her English was limited so she barely communicated which meant he did the majority of the talking in the relationship.  I couldn’t help but to laugh and question whether he actually loved her or did he love what she was doing for him. The men that I cared about the most in my life were the ones that did the least for me in terms of giving me material things. I was more drawn to personality, the connection, communication, and how they made me feel or what they were able to bring out of me. I guess you have to ask yourself if a person stopped doing certain “tangible” things would the love remain?

“I think the things you do is more so the expression of love. I don’t think you can rely only on what someone does for you to tell if they love you though. But it’s a good way to show you care.” ~JD

I think most people including myself think or at one point thought of love and marriage as having butterflies, passion, and being on an endless high. For some people love might be those things, but how long will that sustain a marriage or a relationship? What happens when that wears off? What happens when the relationship hits a roadblock?  I remember having a conversation with a friend about not having passion in my relationship. We were both talking about the men we were dating at the time and I told her I wasn’t crazy about the guy that I was dating.  I complained about how he annoyed me the majority of the time, how we didn’t have a deep connection or strong communication but on the contrary he was a good person and he treated me right. She told me in the past she based choosing a potential man off of those same factors but found that most of the men she felt “passionate” about were not right for her or didn’t feel the same way about her. My relationship ended a few months later and the guy she was dating at that time ended up proposing a week after our conversation. That was the first time I questioned if my idea of love was unrealistic.

“In dating people put too much emphasis on how someone makes them feel and generally the good long term relationships aren’t based on how someone makes you feel because feelings change daily or even minute by minute.” ~DG

I think many people imagine a special person walking into their life who will complement their personality so well that they will be perfect together. The truth of the matter is that love sometimes doesn’t happen instantly; it tends to develop over time.  Everyone you meet is going to have flaws but being able to accept or look past a person’s flaws and love them despite is the key. In my mind the perfect guy for me would be a combination of Lance Gross, Morris Chestnut, Idris Elba, Hill Harper, Michael Ealy, Malcom X, Don Cheadle, Jamie Foxx, Big Krit, Denzel Washington and the list goes on. I’m fully aware that I will not meet a man that will have every single quality that I desire, and I know I won’t have every quality that some men might desire. I don’t think anyone should settle when it comes to love but at the same time you need to have realistic expectations. Television tends to glamorize love, marriage, and relationships without acknowledging the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to make it work.

I watched the Toni Braxton Lifetime movie over the weekend and there was a scene in the movie where Toni and her husband got into a small argument because he was feeling overwhelmed by having to help her out so much. She had a heart attack and the doctor advised her to stay in the bed for a few months until her health improved. Her husband had to take over all of their responsibilities, take care of their kids, and try to cover all of their expenses while focusing on his singing career all at the same time. It took a toll on their marriage and although they loved each other, love wasn’t enough to keep them together.  From the feedback I received from the married individuals I learned that your heart isn’t going to skip a beat every time you see that other person and you can’t let how you feel define the relationship because feelings change constantly.

“Having been married before, I would say that no one should expect perfection. Marriage is about a relationship, respect, responsibility, and ultimately building a life with someone. The person you will marry will not be perfect, but you also need to accept that you’re not going to be perfect either. Accept that both of you will have flaws but that’s why communication is so important in a relationship as well” ~DR

My parents have been married over 30 years and I know without a doubt love is not what kept them together all of these years. They are two people that chose to stay committed to one another throughout the ups and downs of their relationship. I haven’t decided whether or not I want to get married because marriage isn’t easy and everyone isn’t equipped to handle it.  I fear not being a good wife, I fear falling out of love, I fear not knowing how to be fully committed to another person, I fear losing myself in another person, and I fear the marriage failing. Love is a gamble and relationships and marriage require two committed people to make it work. I think people get excited about the idea of marriage not fully comprehending how much goes into making it last. I learned from the people I interviewed that lasting relationships take sacrifice, commitment, compromise, and being unselfish.

“Marriage is a business. Has to be based off love but it’s a real deal commitment and a lot of people underestimate it.“ ~EW

“It’s about balance. No one is perfect. I say that with respect to having flaws. It’s about being complementary. We are people, not robots. No one is exactly alike, so really a flaw isn’t necessarily a flaw. It’s just a way of how someone may identify themselves.” ~UO



Author: Ashley E.

They say anything great started off as an idea that was developed and put into action. That was the case for Mississippi native Terrell Winters, aka “Sneakerboxx.” Terrell started collecting sneakers back in 1999 and today owns over 400 pairs, hence the nickname. One day he looked around at his huge collection of shoes and decided he wanted to start making money for himself instead of paying somebody else for their products.

“I wanted to make money for myself so I created my first design which was a refrigerator with the words “Keep em fresh” on it. It was real simple and stupid but dope. I got 24 shirts made and sold each one for $25. I advertised them on social media and they sold out within 2 days.”

Terrell made the decision to turn Sneakerboxx into a business and brand in 2010 and in 2011 he got the brand trademarked. His business focuses on sneakers, screen printing and t-shirts. Early on he decided he wanted to become more self-sufficient so he decided to teach himself how to screen print by watching you-tube videos and by learning from some of his friends who were already in the screen printing business.

In 2012 he decided to take a year off to figure out which direction he wanted to take the brand. During that time he also thought about walking away from the business altogether because he felt like his screen printing skills weren’t improving. Fortunately Terrell stuck with it and his brand has really grown; he has gained consumers and sponsors in various states and he recently added photography to the Sneakerboxx brand. Even though he’s still new in the game, his photography is very polished and it’s hard to tell he hasn’t been shooting for that long. He still has a lot of ideas about how far he wants so take his brand but with consistency and his work ethic the sky is the limit in terms of how far he can go.



We got a chance to get behind his lens and rock his “supplied with dopeness” tee from his line.


Check out more of his work here.




[interludes] cover

Revelations turn to revolution..but sh*t somebody gotta start the f*ucking movement…….

Author: Ashley E.

South Carolina native and artist Bowtye dropped his 14 track EP Interludes at the end of last year. I finally got a chance to hear the album in full a few days ago and it gave me eargasms for lack of a better word.  Bowtye who is also a song writer and producer created the perfect blend of music genres on this EP; elements of hip hop and rhythm & blues collide with intergalactic and futuristic sounds. Interludes is definitely a smooth listen, I didn’t skip a track.

I love an artist that can take you on a journey and isn’t afraid to explore diverse topics. He touches on the subject of love in tracks like Time and Dreaming and in the same instance he subliminally drops knowledge in tracks like Hello and Black Creative that makes you tap into your consciousness.

“I don’t wear chains…it’s sad enough that n#ggas that do don’t even share names”

If you like the sounds of Pharell, Ryan Leslie and Kid Cudi then you can definitely vibe to Bowtye. Interludes will elevate and stimulate your mind.

Listen to more sounds by the artist here.

Taraji P. Henson Sends Subliminal Message To Hollywood About Black Roles In Film & Television

TARAJI weekly scoop.docx

Author: Amy Nicole

The Golden Globe Awards aired on Sunday night and everyone is still discussing Taraji P. Henson’s acceptance speech. Henson won an award for best actress in a tv series drama for her role in Empire. Although her speech was humorous, it also revealed a subliminal message behind the types of roles that black actors are recognized for in Hollywood.

In her speech she said, “Who knew that playing an ex-convict would take me all around the globe, I thought I would have won for Queenie (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) or my character in Karate Kid but it’s for Cookie, who spent 17 years in prison for selling crack. Okay so the world loves real!”

Many speculate that the actress was referring to film industry executives who have been accused of primarily awarding black actors for stereotypical roles like criminals or domestic roles.

This same discussion was brought up several years ago when Halle Berry and Denzel Washington both won Oscars for their roles in the movies Monster’s Ball and Training Day. In Monster’s Ball, Berry portrayed a single, poor mom who became a widow after her husband was executed in prison.  Denzel Washington received an award for his character in the movie Training Day in which he portrayed a corrupt cop and drug dealer. Both Washington and Berry have a plethora of amazing films which left many people wondering why they awarded for the portrayal of characters depicted in a negative light.

Not sure if the awarding to black actors for stereotypical roles is intentional or not but there is definitely a correlation between how black people are perceived in society and how we are portrayed in films.

Tough Love



In case you haven’t noticed, web series seem to be taking over the internet. With many people complaining about the lack of quality content on television, several aspiring writers, directors and producers are taking matters into their own hands by creating content that most viewers want to see.  With a small budget and a small team Caleb Davis, Roni Simpson, Brian Scott and Will Rosati came together to create a new web series called Tough Love.

The show premiered on the web last month and it already has a pretty large following of viewers. Tough Love centers around the lives of six young professionals who are all friends living in New York City. The show takes viewers on a journey through each individual’s life as they deal with the challenges that come along with relationships, dating and being in love. It also focuses on the dynamics of real friendships and people just living their everyday lives which makes the show very relatable. Throughout the show the friends secretly agree to visit a therapist named Sydney who interviews them to get their input on the statistics of heterosexual dating and relationships. In exchange for seeing the therapist they get paid for their opinions. They each get very personal with Sydney as they open up about their secrets and experiences with one another.

The main characters of the show are Quincy, Alicia, Jackson, Jordan, Monica and Darius.

Quincy and Alicia are the long term couple that have been together since their college days. They’ve had their ups and downs over the years but the love they have for each other keeps them going strong. They may seem to be perfect from the outside looking in but like most couples they have their fair share of problems and secrets.

Jordan is the epitome of an independent single woman. She doesn’t want a man and lets it be known she doesn’t need a man unless it’s just to have fun. Due to her being hurt in the past she puts a wall up and makes it almost impossible for any man to get close to her.

Monica is the sweet, intelligent and sometimes naïve young woman who falls victim to giving her all to a man who is only giving her half because he is too busy juggling multiple woman and can’t fully commit to her.

Darius is Monica’s weakness. He is the guy that can’t commit because he loves running through women. He unexpectedly falls for Monica but even though his feelings for her are strong, his desire for other women is stronger.

Jackson is the bachelor that has it all: looks, success and charm. He has no desire to settle down because he has so many options of women to choose from. He also doesn’t have a problem letting the women involved with him know they are disposable. He goes through many women until he meets his match and she is more than what he bargained for.

The first episode didn’t completely draw me in but after the second episode I was intrigued and wanted to know more about these characters and how their stories would unfold. The show is very relatable and I think most people can find pieces of themselves within each character. I look forward to what’s to come and the possible drama of what would happen if their shared experiences with the therapist got out to the public or each other. It’s definitely a show worth watching and supporting.

Check out the trailer below and learn more about the team and cast of the show here.

Creed Is A Knock Out


Author: The Double Scoop

We got a chance to see the highly anticipated movie Creed during the Thanksgiving holiday. The cast alone was enough to make most people run to see the movie even if they had no idea who the boxing legend known as “Rocky Balboa” was. The very handsome Michael B. Jordan, the beautiful Tessa Thompson, and Sylvester Stallone reprising his role as Rocky came together to create magic on the big screen.

Director Ryan Coogler and screen writer Aaron Convington did an amazing job creating a continuation of the Rocky movie series. (Coogler and Jordan previously worked together on the 2013 hit film Fruitvale Station).  For those including us who vaguely remember the original Rocky film, the movie was able to give a quick refresher without taking too much time away from the film.

 Michael B. Jordan plays (Adonis Johnson) son of Apollo Creed, a former opponent turned friend of Rocky Balboa. In the original Rocky film there is no mention of Apollo having a son named Adonis, but in Creed it is revealed that Adonis is a product of an affair which was a very creative way of tying Jordan’s character into the movie. Apollo’s widow Mary Anne played by the ever so graceful and timeless beauty Phylicia Rashad takes it upon herself to take a young and troubled Adonis under her wing and raise him.

The film starts off a little slow but gradually builds momentum. Adonis is a troubled kid who loves to fight which eventually leads him to pursuing a career in boxing. He tracks down Balboa about training him which he initially turns down but later agrees to it. Both Mary Anne and Balboa are skeptical about Adonis’ pursuit of a career in boxing because they don’t want him to have the same fate as his father Apollo who died in the ring years ago.

Adonis wants to make a name for himself as a boxer without people knowing about his famous father, but the news is eventually leaked which results in Adonis being approached to fight world light heavyweight champion “Pretty” Ricky Conlan.

Rocky, despite receiving news about ailing health agrees to train Adonis for the fight.

Adonis survived all rounds with Conlan but eventually loses the fight. Although he didn’t win he still garnered respect from Conlan and fans as the amateur boxer who put up a mighty fight. The main fighting scene was intense, excruciating and exhilarating all at once.

Overall Creed was a good movie and it definitely gave an updated and modern twist to the classic Rocky film without taking away the shine from the original. Kudos to Ryan Coogler and Aaron Convington for the amazing writing and directing!

Source: Time