The Return Of Adele



It has been 3 years since Adele’s last single was released. Her absence left fans with withdrawals and wondering had the British singer stepped down from the spotlight for good. Last Friday she quenched the thirst of fans when she released the video for her new single “Hello.” The video received over 43 million views on youtube in less than 2 days proving that absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Adele wrote an open letter to fans apologizing for being MIA; “I’m sorry it took so long but you know life happened.” She referred to the upcoming album which is set to be released on November 20th as her “make-up” record to fans.

The upcoming album is titled “25.” Adele explained the title choice:

“Turing 25 was a turning point for me, slap bang in the middle of my twenties… I made the decision to go into becoming who I’m going to be forever without a removal van full of my old junk.”

I’m ecstatic that Adele is back! When I first heard one of her songs a few years ago I immediately became a fan and wanted to know more about her. Her voice is so unique and soulful; she’s the type of artist that doesn’t need tricks or gimmicks to enhance her talent. She has that type of talent that doesn’t come around that often. Her 2011 album “21” sold more than 11 million copies in the US alone and she broke the solo female artist record for staying at #1 for 11 weeks in the US.

Check out her unique video for Hello here.

Source: CNN