Surviving Compton Review

Photo Credit: Billboard

Author: Amy Nicole

When I first saw the trailer for Surviving Compton I didn’t have high expectations for the film, especially since it was premiering on the Lifetime network which doesn’t have the best track record for biopics. I wasn’t really familiar with Michel’le besides her appearing on the reality show Hollywood Divas but I do remember hearing stories that Dr. Dre abused her back in the day when they dated.

Many people speculated  she was releasing the movie for financial gain and that she was lying about the abuse endured by Dr. Dre. The fact that she has been so consistent with her story for so many years made me think otherwise.

It took a minute for me to get into the film because of the narrative format and having to adjust to the actor’s high pitch voice(which was very annoying!), but after a while I became intrigued with the story. I saw  the movie Straight Outta Compton which I really enjoyed so it was interesting to hear another side of the  story from a woman’s point of view. I didn’t realize how much of a role Michel’le played in the group NWA or that she was signed to Ruthless Records which was Dr. Dre’s record label back in the 80s. I can see now why she wanted to tell her side of the story being that she was not included in Straight Outta Compton. I thought it was crazy how she was taken advantage of by some of the guys from the group. The movie revealed that she was initially not getting paid for her vocals on a lot of their tracks.


Photo Credit: Monsters & Credits

Eventually Michel’le is approached about creating her own album and that’s when it seems like Dre’s attitude towards her became aggressive. The first scene in the movie where Dr. Dre hits Michel’le is almost unbearable to watch, he climbs on top of her in the bed while he is sloppy drunk and begins to punch her in the face until her nose starts to bleed. In the scene the real life Michel’le walks into the room with her character and explains why she chose to stay with Dre. She explained how she was taught growing up that abuse was a sign of showing love. To cope with the pain of abuse she indulged in drinking alcohol and taking drugs.

Although the film was supposed to highlight Michel’le’s singing career, the physical abuse overshadowed most of the movie. The most heartbreaking scene in the film is when Michel’le is in the studio recording her popular single Something In My Heart; she is singing with a bruised face looking fearfully at Dre who threatened to beat her again if she couldn’t sing the song correctly.

The scene was such a pivotal part of the movie because it sums up the emotions of what a lot of abused women go through. Many women equate love with physical pain which is very unfortunate. Most abused women feel helpless and trapped in relationships because of the fear caused by the abuser. I’ve never been hit by a man but I always wondered why women decide to stay in abusive relationships.

Photo Credit: HipHopDX

Many people, especially men shunned Michel’le because of her decision to date both Dr. Dre and Suge Knight, but the movie explained why she made that decision. When you’re coming out of an abusive relationship and you find someone else who treats you great, it is easy to see how she could  fall for him so quickly. Although Suge eventually did hit her she explains in the movie that it was a one time occurrence. Later in the movie Michel’le is coerced into marrying Suge which she later finds out wasn’t a legal marriage; she also finds out that he was primarily using her to run his business while he was in prison.

Photo Credit: The Boombox


After ending the relationship with Suge Michel’le is left drained and damaged from all the years of abuse and pain that she endured. The end of the film shows how she was able to get her life back on track and most importantly how she was able to survive. The majority of women in abusive relationships don’t survive so her story was an important one to tell.

For a Lifetime movie the film was decent and I think the network did a wonderful job with the casting. Rhyon Nicole Brown who formerly starred on the show Lincoln Heights did an amazing job portraying Michel’le, especially with mimicking her voice.  Actor Curtis Hamilton also did a great job portraying Dr. Dre(He also wasn’t bad on the eyes!).

Surviving Compton wasn’t an amazing movie but it was definitely a story worth telling as I’m sure it impacted a lot of women who have experienced abuse in relationships.



The rumors that have been circulating for years regarding a Tupac movie can finally be put to rest. It has officially been confirmed that production for a Tupac biopic entitled “All Eyez on Me” is currently being filmed in Atlanta, Georgia.  One of the films’ producers, L.T. Hutton confirmed the film by recently posting several behind the scenes photos from the set on his Instagram page.

The film is being directed by Benny Boom and it will supposedly cover the rappers entire life including his death in 1996. Unknown actor Demetrius Shipp Jr. has been cast to portray Tupac and from looking at his pictures he is definitely a good choice as he bears a striking resemblance to the late rapper.

Left (Demetrius Shipp Jr.) Right (Tupac Shakur)

Initially the film was to be directed by John Singelton(Boys In The Hood) but he stepped down from the project in April stating that the late rappers legacy wasn’t being respected and that  there were attempts to sue Tupac’s mother Afeni Shakur.

L.T. Hutton refuted those claims and stated that Singleton was actually fired from the project. Singleton is reportedly working on a separate Tupac movie which he says will be much better than the film currently in production.

Let’s hope that these claims aren’t true and that the movie will pay homage to the late rapper’s legacy.

What are your thoughts about the forthcoming biopic? Do you plan on watching?


Source: Hip Hop DX

Photo Credit: Black Time Travel;





Author: Amy Nicole

One word to describe Kendrick Lamar’s latest album is conscious. The album titled “To Pimp A Butterfly” touches on topics like institutional racism, consumer capitalism, and justice. Ironically his album was released in the midst of racial tension between white police officers and the African American community. Walter Scott joins the rapidly growing list of African American men being killed at the hands of white police officers. Unlike the cases involving Eric Garner and Michael Brown the officer responsible for Scott’s death was indicted but many believe that he was only convicted due to the fact that the incident was recorded on camera.

The recent deaths of African American men have lead to protest and riots all over the country as thousands (famous and non-famous) have taken a stand to call out our flawed judicial system for its bias protection of black lives.  With all of the attention that this issue has garnered, it is definitely time to address those uncomfortable topics that many want to overlook and ignore.

At the end of the song “Mortal Man” Lamar uses an unreleased 1994 interview with the late rapper Tupac  Shakur and incorporates himself asking the rapper questions.

KL:: I wanted to ask you about a metaphor. You spoke on the ground?  What does the ground represent?

Tupac:: The ground is going to open up and swallow the evil. The ground is a symbol for the poor people. The poor people are going to open up this whole world and swallow the rich people because the rich are going to be so fat and appetizing, wealthy… the poor are going to be so poor and hungry.

KL:: I can truly tell you there is nothing but turmoil going on. What do you think is the future for me and my generation today?

Tupac: I think niggas is tired of grabbing shit out the stores and the next time there is a riot it’s going to be bloodshed, for real. I don’t think America know that.  I think America thought we were just playing. It aint going to be no playing, it’s gonna be murder.

At the end of the interview Kendrick reads a metaphor to Tupac which describes the title of his album.

KL:: I wanted to read one last thing to you, it’s actually something a good friend had wrote describing my world. It says the caterpillar is the prisoner to the streets that conceived it, its only job is to eat or consume everything around it in order to protect itself from this mad city. While consuming its environment the caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive. One thing it notices is how much the world shuns him but praises the butterfly. The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness and the beauty within the caterpillar.

Could the caterpillar be a representation of the African American man in society today trying to survive within a judicial system which was never made to protect him?  According to recent statistics African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated populations.  African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites. Due to the consequences of incarceration many black men are unable to obtain stable employment which in turn leads them to a lifestyle of crime as a way to make ends meetUnfortunately prison has not been proven as rehabilitation for behavior, as two-thirds of prisoners will in fact reoffend repeating the oppressive cycle. How ironic that a 1994 interview from the late rapper Tupac Shakur is so relevant to what’s going on in society today.
