Pay Attention


Author: Ashley E

I’m very off and on when it comes to having a favorite music artist these days, mainly because most artists aren’t consistent with the type of music they put out, or either they’re not consistent with the image of themselves they portrayed when they first arrived on the music scene. But I guess in an ever-changing music industry it’s difficult to be successful without losing or changing something about yourself or your music to appeal to what the mainstream wants.

Big Krit is an artist that is an exception in my opinion. I found out about KRIT around 2009 or 2010 and I’ve been rocking with him ever since. Being from the south I was drawn to his southern and soulful sound and his lyrical content. He has been referred to as a certified mind f*cker because of his story telling ability, word play and creative metaphors. Every time I listen to his music I catch something that I missed the previous time. His music speaks to me and it’s memorable unlike a lot of music now that is hot for a minute then you eventually forget about it. The advantage KRIT has over a lot of artist is his ability to produce and create his own music and beats, giving him full control over the quality of his work. His fan base has been largely underground, but he has stated many times that he doesn’t have a desire to take the mainstream route. I think that’s what most fans including myself love about him the most; his authenticity.

Being a fellow Mississippian, I feel like KRIT is someone who I know personally and have watched grow over the years. Just like many artists he started off struggling to make it in the industry and even when he got in the door, it was a challenge and still is a challenge for others to take him serious and recognize his undeniable talent. Two weeks ago he dropped his second album Cadillactica and with the overwhelming positive reaction from fans and even the naysayers, people can’t help but to “Pay Attention” to the rising MC. I’m so proud of my country cousin and I think the best is yet to come for him. Shine on KRIT!

I wrote my first piece on Big Krit two years ago. You can check it out here. Dear Justin

Photo Source: Def Jam

Big Krit/ Breakfast Club Interview 
