Jamie Foxx Will Produce Marvin Gaye TV SERIES


Author: Amy Nicole

Over the last three decades many attempts have been made to produce a Marvin Gaye biopic, but none have been successful due to disapproval from the late singer’s family.

The 2013 film “Sexual Healing” was the last attempt at producing a Marvin Gaye biopic. Lenny Kravitz was originally cast to star in the film but was later replaced by actor Jesse L. Martin. Due to lack of funds and family lawsuits, the movie stopped production three weeks before completion. Check out the trailer for that unreleased film here.

Jamie Foxx recently managed to gain the family’s approval and is set to executive produce a tv series about the singer’s life. Suzanne de Passe of Passe Jones Entertainment and Marvin Gaye III (Marvin Gaye’s son) will also serve as executive producers for the series. The film is said to be a powerful and defining telling of Marvin Gaye’s life.

The late singer is best known for his hit singles  What’s Going On,  Let’s Get It On, and Sexual Healing. In 1984 he was fatally shot by his father at age 44.

I’m a huge fan of music biopics so I’m excited to see this series!  Jamie Foxx is very talented so I’m sure he won’t disappoint!   What do you guys think about the upcoming series?

“Loving” Tells The Story Of Forbidden Love

Photo Credit: Daily News SF


Author: Amy Nicole

Interracial marriages are so common these days that you forget at one point in time they were actually illegal.

The film Loving is based on the true story of interracial couple Richard and Mildred Loving who were married in 1958. The couple spent nine years fighting for their right to live as a family in the state of Virginia. Richard Loving was arrested and  sentenced to a year in prison because their marriage was a violation of the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between black and white people. The Supreme Court eventually declared the prohibition to be unconstitutional, ending all race based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States. 

The film stars Joel Edgerton as Richard Loving and Ruth Negga as Mildred Loving. Loving was written and directed by Jeff Nichols; It will open in select theaters on November 04, 2016.

It’s hard to believe that people were denied the right to love simply because of their skin color!  I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie!

Check out the trailer below:


Check out this interview 1967 interview from Richard and Mildred Loving.





What’s Up Elly J!



Author: Amy Nicole

As a blogger it is always nice to meet fellow writers  who are on the same path as myself. Most new bloggers face the challenges of creating a brand, building a following, and trying to earn a few coins on the side. At times blogging can become frustrating and even challenging when you aren’t  seeing a financial gain or when your followers don’t seem to be growing.

Blogger Elly J started her blog to create a platform for young aspiring entrepreneurs to share their dreams and success stories.  After blogging for a few years, her readers expanded and she made numerous connections with writers, directors and other successful entrepreneurs. Because of her perseverance she even got an opportunity to work on a film set.

Elly J is gearing up for the relaunch of her blog. We caught up with her for a brief interview to discuss her love for writing, the Elly J brand and future goals.

Check out the interview below:

Amy Nicole: What inspired you to start your blog?

Elly J: I always loved to write. When I created my blog “What’s Up Elly J?” in 2011, I guess I wanted to find a way to keep myself creatively active with my writing and at the time blogs were becoming popular. I actually saw a friend of mine’s blog she created and I loved it so I thought why not?

Amy Nicole: Tell us more about your brand and what sets you apart from other bloggers.

Elly J: It’s funny because as I was working on my biography for my website, I didn’t truly understand what my brand was. In the beginning, my brand was geared towards creating a platform for young adults where they could discuss their careers, their brands, their dreams etc. I would say that this is still true, but through my experience of blogging I met many older, career-driven people that were starting their own businesses.  I also gained a larger audience and I didn’t want to make it where they couldn’t relate to the stories that were shared on my site.

Now I would say that my brand is about creating a platform for all upcoming entrepreneurs and those that would like inspire anyone in the process of starting their own careers. I think that’s what sets me apart from other bloggers. My blog was created to inspire not just young adults, but everyone.

Amy Nicole: What are the most rewarding aspects about blogging?

Elly J: I would say the most rewarding aspects for me has been able to meet the different people that have inspired me and supported my brand. “What’s Up Elly J?” has definitely grown over the past five years and I’m so proud of the community that has grown with it.



Amy Nicole: What has been your most memorable experience since starting your blog?

Elly J: About a year ago, I interviewed director, producer, and actor Jahmar Hill. He was looking for bloggers to promote his first movie, “Last Love Lost” and I reached out to him after a close friend of mine told me about it.  I think that was my most memorable experience because when I met him, I told him I wanted to work in film and I would love to assist him in anyway I can and he actually took me seriously lol. Since I met him I was able to work on set for his second film, “Fourth Quarter”, which will be out soon and I got a chance to learn about the film industry. I would say this is my most memorable experience because I was able to work with someone who believes in my talent wholeheartedly and trusts me to do write ups about his movie and his brand. It taught me a lot about myself and made me want to take my career to next level.

Amy Nicole: What are the most challenging aspects about blogging?

Elly J: It is very time consuming. I believe that if there is anything you want to do you have to be willing to sacrifice and be consistent. I do wish that I had been a little more on top of prioritizing my time because writing is an art and has to be perfected. So you have to stay on top of perfecting your craft and making sure you are putting your all into it. That’s definitely something I find is difficult and frustrating at times.

Amy Nicole: You conduct a lot of interviews for your blog. What story has inspired you the most?

Elly J: Oh wow, it’s been so many different people who’s stories have touched me and really motivated me. I would have to the interview I did with college professor and motivational speaker Lenny Williams probably touched me the most. His back story about being robbed at gunpoint, almost losing his life but the gun backfired and his life was spared was the most inspiring story I’ve heard. After that experience, he did a complete 360 and changed his for the better and now his traveling and speaking to different young adults. I’ll always go back to interview and read it over and over again because to me it’s a true testament of how God can work and use people in the most unexpected way.


Amy Nicole: What are your long term goals for your writing career?

Elly J: In addition to relaunching my site, I will be releasing my first novel. I have been working on three different novels since 2012 and I never got around to finishing them. I’m really excited because when I write is when I feel I am able to really express myself. I would like to keep releasing books that will be adapted into television shows and movies!

Amy Nicole: You are in the process of relaunching your site. What are some of the new changes that readers can expect?

Elly J: With this new website, I didn’t want to stop conducting interviews. Readers can definitely look forward to more articles about different people as well as more personal articles written by me. I really wanted to make this new site a reflection of who I am and what I like. Basically it will be an online magazine where you can get a little bit of everything, from fashion, to lifestyle tips, and more! My site will be up on October 17th and I’m very excited!

Amy Nicole: How can people reach you for business inquiries?

Elly J: I can be reached by email: bookwhatsupellyj@gmail.com for all business inquiries!

It was great getting to know more about Elly J and her brand! If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a blogger just starting out, we hope her story has inspired you to continue your  journey to success! Visit her blog here. 


Greenleaf Season1 Review


Author: Amy Nicole

When I first saw the preview for Greenleaf I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was certainly intrigued by the storyline. A mega church in the south becomes disrupted by family scandal, secrets and lies. You hear about church scandals all the time so I was excited to see how a script would play out on television.  Religion is such a sensitive topic for most people so I think it’s good to have a show that doesn’t sugarcoat the topic.

The show centers around the Greenleaf family; a prestigious, wealthy, black family in Memphis Tennessee. Bishop James Greenleaf(Keith David) is the patriarch of the family and Lady Mae (Lynn Whitfield) is his devoted wife. They are the pastor and first lady of Calvary Church. The show also follows the lives of their three adult children: Jacob, Charity, and Grace. Oprah Winfrey has a recurring role on the show as Lady Mae’s sister but they have an estranged relationship which can at times get volatile.

Each family member has their own unique story which unravels more secrets and scandals.

Just to give you an idea Charity discovers that her husband is struggling with his sexuality and Jacob is having an affair with an employee of the church. (Yasss honey it gets real LOL!)


Grace is the central character in the show. She returns home to Memphis with her teenage daughter Sophia after being gone for over 20 years to attend the funeral of her sister Faith. After coming back home she makes the decision to stay and return to the ministry. Grace no longer considers herself a very religious person but she does have a relationship with God. I can relate a lot to Grace in this aspect because I don’t consider myself to be religious anymore. I definitely have a strong relationship with God, but I don’t feel like I need a title to define that relationship. As the show progresses you learn what turned Grace away from the church and her family.

I grew up in Mississippi which is a huge Bible belt state, and I think the depiction of the southern church and congregation is very accurate! From the women wearing the big church hats to the overzealous pastors it was very on point .

I think the biggest issue with the the church is the fixation with church leaders. Most people that attend church look up to church leaders as if they are  perfect when in fact they are far from it. They make mistakes just like everyone else which the show depicts. The biggest scandal on the show this season is when the family discovers that Lady Mae’s brother, Mac McCready had been sexually assaulting young girls in the church for years including Bishop Greenleaf and Lady Mae’s deceased daughter Faith.


The season concludes with Mac arriving at the Greenleaf mansion escorted by police officers. Mac kisses Lady Mae on the cheek before entering the house to confront the bishop which in my opinion signified an act of betrayal like when Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek before he betrayed him in the Bible.

Some people might get offended by the series and say that it is disrespectful to the Christian religion but I would definitely disagree. The show is real and it highlights relatable issues.  Growing up I was taught to just pray about my problems and everything would be okay but as I became an adult I realized that life was not that simple.  Greenleaf exposes the reality of the church. Going to church doesn’t erase your problems and it doesn’t make you any better than anyone else. The show focuses on flawed human beings who are all trying to figure out and navigate through life the best way they can by having faith.

I really enjoyed Greenleaf and I’m very excited to see what type of drama season two will bring!

Photo Credit: Variety

Photo Credit: GreenLeafOwnTV

Cassia “Jonesie” Jones

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Can you imagine being dumped by your live-in boyfriend of two years over text messages shortly after buying a wedding dress!? Well that’s what happened to actress, writer, and producer Cassia Jones.  Instead of crying about the situation Cassia wrote about it which led to the creation of her blog and web series called “To Live & Date in LA,” which chronicles the dating life of a young woman in her early 30s.

I came across Cassia’s Instagram page a few months ago and I was instantly drawn to her vibrate personality.  As an aspiring filmmaker and screenwriter I wanted to learn more about her career and the challenges she faces in the entertainment industry. In our interview Cassia discusses the difficulties of being a black actress and writer, her web series, and being single and dating in her 30s. She also gives advice to aspiring actors and writers.

Check out the interview below:

Amy Nicole: How long have you been acting professionally and how did you get your start in the entertainment industry?

Cassia: I started acting professionally in my early twenties with work as an extra, and a role in a documentary, then I kind of abandoned acting. I was pissed! Roles were literally nowhere to be found and if there was a role casting for a black actress, it was almost impossible to get an audition without a top-notch agent, so I felt defeated. Acting began for me in my childhood at church and school. I had lead roles in just about everything as a kid, studied piano, and even improv acting. After school, I’d come home practice piano, and watch reruns of old shows like, The Adams Family, I Love Lucy, The Carol Burnett Show and Sanford & Son. Then, In Living Color debuted when I was in junior high, and everything changed! Improv became all I wanted to do, and I would study it by watching Kim Wayans…she was amazing!

Amy Nicole: There is no secret that making a successful career as an actress is challenging? What challenges have you faced in the industry and how do you make yourself stand out from other actresses?

Cassia: “Making” it as an actress is almost impossible if you measure your success by the number of fans you have, or the amount of money you make. If I can inspire a young girl to write, act, produce or just not give up in any way, then emotionally I am filled with success. At this point in my career, I have so much more that I want to achieve, and feel totally confident that I will. I believe I make myself stand out by being relatable, open, funny and honestly, just being a badass that never takes no for an answer. I also use my talents in every way possible to make myself stand out. Writing has always been a gift, so I blog, wrote my series, am writing two screenplays, and wrote a series of children’s books I’m shopping to publishers. Acting is another gift and I use that to my advantage by creating a webseries I play the lead role in, and I recently started vlogging. All of this is a package I created, a brand, so that I can make myself stand out.

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Amy Nicole: An interesting fact about you is that you write, produce and act in a web series called To Live & Date in LAwhich is based off of your real life dating experiences.  How did you come up with the idea for the show? Were you nervous at all about how people would react to the series?

Cassia: To Live & Date in LA is my baby. I began blogging after my live-in boyfriend dumped me over text message…yes, you read that right! Homeboy dumped his girlfriend of two years, that he lived with, over text. So, I cried for five minutes-literally timing myself-picked myself back up, partied a bit to shake off the pain, then started blogging. No one read it at first, but I kept going, and joined social media. That’s how I was found by the digital editor of Uptown Magazine, who read my posts and liked them, so they started featuring my posts as well as exclusive content from me on their site. People started commenting about relating to my experiences and the comedic way in which I told them, and would always say that it should be a show. I knew no one in Hollywood was going to beat my door down to give me a show, so I started writing once again. I wrote eighteen episodes in about two months, and started casting shortly after. I was nervous about creating the show, mainly because if it sucks, I get all the blame as the writer and creator, but who the hell cares! At least I tried! We create our destinies, and I know this is mine.

Amy Nicole: I read where you bought a wedding dress back in 2009 because your boyfriend at the time asked you to marry him. Although the relationship was tumultuous and you weren’t happy you still went through with the dress purchase.  I know most women as they approach 30 feel this huge pressure to get married or settle down. Would you say that pressure is what made you stay in the relationship even though you weren’t happy?

Cassia: In my last relationship, I did in fact buy a wedding dress, on Halloween 2008. Why the hell I didn’t see that as an Omen, I don’t know! Of course I blogged about that huge mistake and many people identified with it. As a woman in my late twenties at the time, the pressure of being married started to mount. I felt as though the relationship was not the best, but it was better than turning thirty and having no prospects. How wrong I was! There is huge societal pressure on us to be married, with 2.5 kids, a home, dog, vacation property and luxury car by the time we are thirty years old. this is insane, but true.

Amy Nicole: In the web series you play a young woman in her early 30s who is navigating the dating scene. How would you compare the single life in your 20s versus in your 30s?

Cassia: Single life in my twenties was all about fun and desperation. Fun because you go out, party and have no cares, but also desperate because during those years we tend to seek validation from men. In your early twenties especially is when we are still forming who we are as women. Most of us are still trying to find ourselves and define our wants and needs.  As we mature and grow, we realize we do not need constant validation from men, and we are willing to put up with less. In my twenties guys put no effort in and I put in an insane amount, or I would cut someone off with no explanation. As a single woman in my thirties, those are things I have no time for.

I am a woman looking for real love and commitment. That’s why I have been single for the last seven years-yes y’all, seven-because I am no longer willing to entertain a man who will not put effort into me, and who will not appreciate the effort I put into him. Also, I am not about dating multiple partners at one time. I deserve your attention, and you deserve mine. If you are not willing to just date me and see where this is going, then I wish you well…bye boo. At this point it’s like, “Hey, I like you, and you like me. No games, no ignoring texts. Let’s do this.”

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Amy Nicole: What advice would you give to aspiring actors, writers and filmmakers?

Cassia: The advice I would give to anyone coming into the acting/writing/filmmaking game is this: If you can be deterred by what others think of you, then this is not the life for you. As an entertainer, people will hate you for being who you are. You will be gossiped about and your looks will constantly be judged, so your emotions need to be in check. You have to be confident in your abilities, talents and choices. I have failed way more then I have succeeded, and I haven’t even made it to the top of my mountain yet. I’ve been knocked down more times then I can count, but I keep persevering because that is what will sustain you. Work on your craft. Make short films, put them on your site or Youtube.

Make sure you have a website that displays your talents, and your strengths. Write your own stories, and reach out to people in your field, no matter how big they are. I kid you now, I sent Lee Daniels a DM on Instagram. Now, will he read it, probably not, but what if…what if he does. Never look to someone else to make your dreams a reality. I never have. I wrote To Live & Date in LA, did everyone’s hair/makeup/wardrobe. I edit all of the episodes. Luckily I cast great actors who brought the story to life. I shoot all my footage, and taught myself how to edit, light etc. I made an insane amount of mistakes, but the mistakes were all learning experiences. Put yourself out there, tell the universe and God what you want, but don’t sit around waiting for them to just hand it to you. Do work.

Amy Nicole: What are some upcoming projects that you are working on and how can people contact you?

Cassia: Currently my new site is up and revamped! My webseries To Live & Date in LA is into season two which can be seen on my site and on YouTube as well. My goal is to get To Live & Date in LA on a network, where it deserves to be. I am finishing two screenplays and will shop those as well later on in the year. The children’s book series I have written is currently being shopped to publishers, and I will later be working towards turning it into a cartoon series. To Live & Date in LA was just honored in the Women’s Fashion & Film Festival, and I am focusing on promoting it so that it’s viewership will increase. I recently created a line of custom quotable Coffee/Tea mugs, which are also up on my site and in my zazzle store: http://www.zazzle.com/toliveanddateinla*

It was great getting to know more about Cassia and I’m looking forward to seeing her career continue to blossom!  She gave some great career advice which I hope is an inspiration to someone. One inspiring quote from her that really stood out to me was the one below regarding black women in film and not being good enough.

“I have been told by casting agents that I needed to, “talk more black” aka “talk ghetto” and I have been told I was not black enough. As a black actress you will never be first choice, you will have to write your own material, you will have to cast yourself, you will have to be fearless, you will have to work harder than everyone else. Just don’t ever think you are not good enough, because you are. You deserve to be successful, be a leading lady, be head writer, and be cast in major film and television roles”. 




Most single women 25 or older can relate to the overwhelming pressure by society to find a husband or settle down. In the web series “The Single Life” written and directed by Atlanta native Qulanda R. Moore, three young women approaching 30 try to navigate the dating scene in Atlanta Georgia.

The series is hilarious and relatable and definitely reveals many of the scenarios that most single women go through. The show centers around three friends; Angela, Tisha and Raven who are all involved in different types of relationships. Raven is involved in a purely sex driven relationship with an ex-boyfriend who she obviously still has feelings for. Tisha is involved in an interracial relationship with her live in boyfriend but struggles with trusting him and believes that he is getting wife privileges with a boyfriend status. Then you have Angela who seems to be a bit on the naïve side and falls too quickly for guys who seem to only want her goods.

Although the show is comedic it also touches on some very serious storylines that many single women can relate to including the tendency to settle for men who we know aren’t good for us due to the need for companionship.

If you haven’t seen the series yet you are definitely missing out on a great show! Season 2 of the “The Single Life” is currently in post production and the cast and crew are now seeking contributions through Indiegogo Crowd Funding to help wrap the project.

Check out season one here.