Insecure Season 1 Review

Photo Credit: HBO


Authors: The Double Scoop

If you don’t know who Issa Rae is by now, it will only be a matter of time before you do. The rising actress, writer, director, and producer is turning heads and gaining attention in the film world.    

We became fans of Issa after watching her web series Awkward Black Girl back in 2011. The series was very successful and it really established her fan base. Since the series Issa has produced and been apart of several projects; she even started her own media company called Issa Rae Productions. Her work caught the eye of HBO executives which landed her a deal to create her own successful show on the network called Insecure which she stars in and produces. The 8 episode first season recently ended and HBO has already given the green light for a second season. Talk about some serious BLACK GIRL MAGIC 😉

Since we don’t have HBO luckily we were able to binge watch and stream the first season using the HBONow app (Thank goodness for 30 day free trials). The first episode was very reminiscent of her web series  Awkward Black Girl and even included some of the characters from the show. It’s almost like a spinoff but broader because it addresses more life topics and gives viewers a more in depth look into the lives of the other characters like Issa’s long term boyfriend Lawrence and her best friend Molly.

Photo Credit: Racked
Photo Credit: VBS

Insecure follows Issa and her best friend Molly as they navigate life in their late 20s. In the first episode Issa celebrates her 29th birthday and it makes her begin to question the direction of her life. The show highlights the experiences that many young black millennial woman face: a dissatisfying job, the pressure that comes along with leaving your 20’s behind, infidelity, love, friendships, and finding yourself.  The series also addresses more serious topics like racial stereotypes and sexual double standards among men and women. The topics are nothing new but Issa’s wit, humor, and perspective gives the show a refreshing modern day touch. Being millennial women ourselves, the show is very relatable. It’s raw, authentic, hilarious and a little ratchet. Who doesn’t love a little ratchet?! 😉 And the show’s soundtrack never disappoints; the music really complements the show.   One thing we like is that you become invested and attached to the characters. The characters are very relatable and they remind you of people you may know in your own life.

Photo Credit: Racked

The season finale left viewers on edge with the status of Issa and Lawrence’s relationship. It’s going to be a long wait before we get to see what changes are going to take place in the character’s lives next season. It’s all good though because we know Issa and her creative team are behind the scenes creating magic. We are sure the wait will be well worth it!  

It has been amazing watching Issa’s career grow over the years and we can’t wait to see how far it will continue to go.  

Jamie Foxx Will Produce Marvin Gaye TV SERIES


Author: Amy Nicole

Over the last three decades many attempts have been made to produce a Marvin Gaye biopic, but none have been successful due to disapproval from the late singer’s family.

The 2013 film “Sexual Healing” was the last attempt at producing a Marvin Gaye biopic. Lenny Kravitz was originally cast to star in the film but was later replaced by actor Jesse L. Martin. Due to lack of funds and family lawsuits, the movie stopped production three weeks before completion. Check out the trailer for that unreleased film here.

Jamie Foxx recently managed to gain the family’s approval and is set to executive produce a tv series about the singer’s life. Suzanne de Passe of Passe Jones Entertainment and Marvin Gaye III (Marvin Gaye’s son) will also serve as executive producers for the series. The film is said to be a powerful and defining telling of Marvin Gaye’s life.

The late singer is best known for his hit singles  What’s Going On,  Let’s Get It On, and Sexual Healing. In 1984 he was fatally shot by his father at age 44.

I’m a huge fan of music biopics so I’m excited to see this series!  Jamie Foxx is very talented so I’m sure he won’t disappoint!   What do you guys think about the upcoming series?

Where Do We Go From Here

Photo Credit: CAPX

Author: Amy Nicole

For most people the reality that Donald Trump will soon be our new commander-in-chief is slowly starting to sink in.  Seriously….. a man who has been blatantly disrespectful to women and who has made very ignorant and disrespectful comments about minorities, veterans and people with disabilities will soon become the next  president of our country!

I can’t say I was thrilled about Hillary Clinton being the next president, but I definitely believe she was more qualified than Donald Trump. The fact that so many people felt that a man with no experience in politics is equipped to run a country completely baffles me.  I think it’s crazy that out of all the candidates that could have ran for office he was considered the best option.

Protests have erupted all across the country by people opposed to Trump’s election win. I definitely don’t think he was the right choice for president but at this point what can we really do about it? The decision has been made.

Photo Credit: Chicago Tribune

Although I was shocked by the election results, I really can’t say that I was all that surprised by the outcome. To be real a lot of people (especially people of color) opted not to vote in this election because they didn’t support either presidential candidate. I don’t agree with that decision but to each his own.

We didn’t just vote for the president in this election, we also voted for other important state leaders. I live in North Carolina and my ballot had over 30 candidates which included U.S. senate representatives, house representatives, governors, lieutenant governors, etc.  What people fail to realize is that the officials elected into the smaller offices have a big impact on a lot of the bills and laws that can be approved by the president.

I have male friends who have said that they don’t believe President Obama did anything for the black community but I don’t agree. A lot of the bills that President Obama tried to pass while he was in office were rejected by members of the opposite party who were elected as house representatives. So when people say their vote doesn’t count, it actually does.I admit I haven’t been that up on politics like I should be but for this election I took the time out to research different candidates and to learn more about their positions and job duties.

So now that the election is over and done with where do we go from here? A few days ago I was driving to work and I heard Al Sharpton say on the radio that we have survived a Bush presidency and a Lydon B. Johnson presidency, we can definitely handle a Trump presidency.  

I think Trump’s election win was a wake-up call to a lot of people. We need to do a better job of educating ourselves on how politics and legislative can affect us. We also need to put our differences aside and unite as American  people.

Photo Credit: Truth Revolt

I will never forget the night President Obama was elected into office. Just to think at one point in time the life of a black person was equivalent to that of an animal. Fast forward to 2008 and I was able to witness the first black man get elected as president of the United States. It was such a historic moment in time that I will never forget! I’m definitely going to miss the Obamas being my first family; I don’t think there will ever be another first family quite like them.  Although I may not have agreed with everything that President Obama did while he was in office I believe he had the best interest of the American people at heart. I really appreciate everything that he has done for our country.

Personally I will not  acknowledge Trump as my president and I’m going to continue to work my ass off so that I can become a self-sufficient entrepreneur. Let’s not let fear invade our spirits as Trump prepares to take office. We need to stop giving so much power and responsibility to other people to make change happen for us. Get out and make stuff happen for yourself! The ball is in our court!

In the words of Kendrick Lamar “We gone be alright”!