If you don’t know who Issa Rae is by now, it will only be a matter of time before you do. The rising actress, writer, director, and producer is turning heads and gaining attention in the film world.
We became fans of Issa after watching her web series Awkward Black Girl back in 2011. The series was very successful and it really established her fan base. Since the series Issa has produced and been apart of several projects; she even started her own media company called Issa Rae Productions. Her work caught the eye of HBO executives which landed her a deal to create her own successful show on the network called Insecure which she stars in and produces. The 8 episode first season recently ended and HBO has already given the green light for a second season. Talk about some serious BLACK GIRL MAGIC 😉
Since we don’t have HBO luckily we were able to binge watch and stream the first season using the HBONow app (Thank goodness for 30 day free trials). The first episode was very reminiscent of her web series Awkward Black Girl and even included some of the characters from the show. It’s almost like a spinoff but broader because it addresses more life topics and gives viewers a more in depth look into the lives of the other characters like Issa’s long term boyfriend Lawrence and her best friend Molly.
Insecure follows Issa and her best friend Molly as they navigate life in their late 20s. In the first episode Issa celebrates her 29th birthday and it makes her begin to question the direction of her life. The show highlights the experiences that many young black millennial woman face: a dissatisfying job, the pressure that comes along with leaving your 20’s behind, infidelity, love, friendships, and finding yourself. The series also addresses more serious topics like racial stereotypes and sexual double standards among men and women. The topics are nothing new but Issa’s wit, humor, and perspective gives the show a refreshing modern day touch. Being millennial women ourselves, the show is very relatable. It’s raw, authentic, hilarious and a little ratchet. Who doesn’t love a little ratchet?! 😉 And the show’s soundtrack never disappoints; the music really complements the show. One thing we like is that you become invested and attached to the characters. The characters are very relatable and they remind you of people you may know in your own life.
The season finale left viewers on edge with the status of Issa and Lawrence’s relationship. It’s going to be a long wait before we get to see what changes are going to take place in the character’s lives next season. It’s all good though because we know Issa and her creative team are behind the scenes creating magic. We are sure the wait will be well worth it!
It has been amazing watching Issa’s career grow over the years and we can’t wait to see how far it will continue to go.
Over the last three decades many attempts have been made to produce a Marvin Gaye biopic, but none have been successful due to disapproval from the late singer’s family.
The 2013 film “Sexual Healing” was the last attempt at producing a Marvin Gaye biopic. Lenny Kravitz was originally cast to star in the film but was later replaced by actor Jesse L. Martin. Due to lack of funds and family lawsuits, the movie stopped production three weeks before completion. Check out the trailer for that unreleased filmhere.
Jamie Foxx recently managed to gain the family’s approval and is set to executive produce a tv series about the singer’s life. Suzanne de Passe of Passe Jones Entertainment and Marvin Gaye III (Marvin Gaye’s son) will also serve as executive producers for the series. The film is said to be a powerful and defining telling of Marvin Gaye’s life.
The late singer is best known for his hit singles What’s Going On, Let’s Get It On, and Sexual Healing. In 1984 he was fatally shot by his father at age 44.
I’m a huge fan of music biopics so I’m excited to see this series! Jamie Foxx is very talented so I’m sure he won’t disappoint! What do you guys think about the upcoming series?
Last weekend I covered the Almost Christmas movie premiere in Charlotte, North Carolina which was held at the Studio Movie Grill. The event was hosted by “Elevate The Way You Indulge,” a local event planning company.
The premiere kicked off with an upscale red carpet entrance, and afterwards guests were able to socialize and eat in the studio lounge while the dj spinned. The attendees (including myself) got a chance to participate in the internet viral mannequin challenge LOL! After the red carpet affair guests watched a private screening of the film. The night ended on a LIT note with a closing after-party.
The premiere was a celebration of local actor Keon Mitchell who made his film debut in the movie. Keon portrays the younger version of Danny Glover’s character Walter. I was able to speak with Keon about his experience being in the film.
I had a great time covering the event! Check out some of the event footage below:
Interracial marriages are so common these days that you forget at one point in time they were actually illegal.
The film Loving is based on the true story of interracial couple Richard and Mildred Loving who were married in 1958. The couple spent nine years fighting for their right to live as a family in the state of Virginia. Richard Loving was arrested and sentenced to a year in prison because their marriage was a violation of the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between black and white people. The Supreme Court eventually declared the prohibition to be unconstitutional, ending all race based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States.
The film stars Joel Edgerton as Richard Loving and Ruth Negga as Mildred Loving. Loving was written and directed by Jeff Nichols; It will open in select theaters on November 04, 2016.
It’s hard to believe that people were denied the right to love simply because of their skin color! I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie!
Check out the trailer below:
Check out this interview 1967 interview from Richard and Mildred Loving.
Power has become one of my favorite shows on television. The show is so unpredictable and it’s packed with suspense, action, and drama! When season two ended viewers were left with several cliffhangers. Ghost and Tommy seemed to have ended their friendship and the biggest surprise of the season was the revelation that Kanan had survived the basement fire.
In season 3 Ghost and Angela decide to take their relationship to the next level by moving in together but they both struggle with trusting one another because of their lifestyle differences. Ghosts’ relationship with Angela causes a riff in his family which creates tension between him and Tasha. It also causes his son Tariq to develop animosity towards him. Because of Ghosts’ absence in the household Tariq begins to act out at school and is disrespectful towards Tasha.
Photo Credit: VibePhoto Credit: UPROXX
Kanan takes advantage of Ghosts’ damaged relationship with Tariq by stepping into his life as a sort of father figure and exposing him to criminal behavior. The return of Kanan puts Dre in a tough situation because he works for Ghost but Kenan still demands his loyalty.
(Sidebar) As much as I would love to see Ghost work things out with Tasha I think she deserves better than him. What woman would be eager to take back a husband who left his family to pursue a relationship with his high school sweetheart!? But on the other hand I try to keep in mind that Tasha was not supportive of Ghost getting out of the drug business.
Photo Credit: Breathe Cast
I think the biggest question on everyone’s mind for season 3 was whether or not Tommy and Ghost would be able to reconcile their friendship. Tommy doesn’t want to let the drug business go but Ghost is adamant about leaving the game for good which causes major conflict in their relationship.
After Tommy discovered that Ghost tried to pay Holly off to leave town it seems as though their friendship would totally be destroyed. The loyalty of their friendship was tested when Lobos ordered Tommy to kill Ghost. Tommy however when presented with the opportunity to kill him couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger on a childhood friend that he considers to be a brother.
Because of Tommy’s slow response to getting the job done Holly takes action into her own hands by paying someone else to kill him. When Tommy discovers what Holly has done he chokes her to death in a fit of rage without knowing that she was carrying his child. Ghost helps Tommy get rid of her body reconciling their friendship and the two decide to work together to take down Lobos.
Photo Credit: TV RUCKUS
Ghost finds out the transportation route for Lobos which allows him and Tommy the opportunity to take him out. The murder of Lobos causes an investigation into the police taskforce where Angela works prompting an internal search by detectives to discover who in the company leaked Lobos’ whereabouts.
Photo Credit: StufflyPeopl
Agent Greg Knox spends the majority of the season compiling evidence to incriminate Angela as the leak and Ghost as the killer. After Greg has all the evidence to convict Ghost he arranges a meeting with Agent Mike Sandoval to share his new found knowledge about the Lobos case. During their meeting Greg receives a phone call from Mexican county authorities which makes him realize that agent Sandoval is actually the leak. Greg confronts Sandoval about being the leak which ends in Greg being shot and killed. (Dang I was annoyed by Greg’s interference in the case but I hated to see him go out like that!)
Photo Credit: Black Film
It looked as if Ghost would finally be able to get out of the drug game until he realizes that his security guard Milan is a drug dealer for a Serbian gang. Milan coerces Tommy and Ghost to sell drugs for him otherwise he threatens to harm their families. (Although I love the bad boy drug-dealing side of Ghost I also sympathize with him because I know how badly he wants to live a life free from crime).
Fortunately with the help of Dre, Ghost and Tommy are able to take out Milan and his crew freeing them of his control. However little does Ghost know Tommy is secretly taking over the Serbian drug supply and plans to sell drugs in his club.
Things seem to be smooth sailing for Ghost by this point; his upscale event for Truth is a success and he manages to reclaim the club partnership with Karen. It looks like Ghost will get his opportunity to start a brand new life until Angela shows up at the club and surprises him with handcuffs and charges him for the murder of Greg.
Photo Credit: GOT
One huge mystery this season left us with is the whereabouts of Keisha! The season ended without any kind of indication of what happened to her. Tasha convinced Keisha to work with her so she could help expand her hair salon as a way to bring in more of a profit for the both them. In actuality,Tasha was using the salon as a way to clean Ghost and Tommy’s “dirty money” from the drug business; similar to how they used the laundromats. After overhearing a conversation between Tasha and Milan, Keisha finds out the truth and feels hurt and betrayed that her best friend Tasha would lie and involve her into that type of situation. Milan tells Tommy that Keisha needs to go “bye bye” and the last we saw of her was Tommy walking into her empty salon at the end of the night. It left viewers wondering did Tommy cancel Christmas on Keisha or did he pay her off to leave the area.
The season ends with Tasha receiving a photo of Tariq unconscious with Kanans’ burned arm around him. Obviously this is a warning sign to Ghost that Kenan is back with a vengeance. Season 3 was definitely epic! The writing is amazing and I’m so looking forward to what season 4 has in store! What did you guys think of the season 3 finale?
Ryan Coogler has officially been confirmed as the director for Marvel’s Black Panther! Although Coogler is still fairly new to directing he has two dynamic feature films behind his belt. He directed the 2013 award winning film Fruitvale Station, based on the true story of Oscar Grant, and most recently the movie Creed which is a spinoff from the Rocky franchise.
The Black Panther movie will be historic for Marvel because the character is the first black superhero in mainstream American comics. According to Marvel Studios, viewers can expect an African ambiance which will give fans an inside look into the nation of Wakanda, the fictional African nation that Black Panther rules over. Actor Chadwick Boseman is currently cast to play the lead role of Black Panther.
Due to the cultural background of the film Marvel felt it was important to give the movie authenticity by seeking out a black director. Because Coogler is young and a diverse filmmaker he will definitely bring a unique spin to the film.