What’s Up Elly J!



Author: Amy Nicole

As a blogger it is always nice to meet fellow writers  who are on the same path as myself. Most new bloggers face the challenges of creating a brand, building a following, and trying to earn a few coins on the side. At times blogging can become frustrating and even challenging when you aren’t  seeing a financial gain or when your followers don’t seem to be growing.

Blogger Elly J started her blog to create a platform for young aspiring entrepreneurs to share their dreams and success stories.  After blogging for a few years, her readers expanded and she made numerous connections with writers, directors and other successful entrepreneurs. Because of her perseverance she even got an opportunity to work on a film set.

Elly J is gearing up for the relaunch of her blog. We caught up with her for a brief interview to discuss her love for writing, the Elly J brand and future goals.

Check out the interview below:

Amy Nicole: What inspired you to start your blog?

Elly J: I always loved to write. When I created my blog “What’s Up Elly J?” in 2011, I guess I wanted to find a way to keep myself creatively active with my writing and at the time blogs were becoming popular. I actually saw a friend of mine’s blog she created and I loved it so I thought why not?

Amy Nicole: Tell us more about your brand and what sets you apart from other bloggers.

Elly J: It’s funny because as I was working on my biography for my website, I didn’t truly understand what my brand was. In the beginning, my brand was geared towards creating a platform for young adults where they could discuss their careers, their brands, their dreams etc. I would say that this is still true, but through my experience of blogging I met many older, career-driven people that were starting their own businesses.  I also gained a larger audience and I didn’t want to make it where they couldn’t relate to the stories that were shared on my site.

Now I would say that my brand is about creating a platform for all upcoming entrepreneurs and those that would like inspire anyone in the process of starting their own careers. I think that’s what sets me apart from other bloggers. My blog was created to inspire not just young adults, but everyone.

Amy Nicole: What are the most rewarding aspects about blogging?

Elly J: I would say the most rewarding aspects for me has been able to meet the different people that have inspired me and supported my brand. “What’s Up Elly J?” has definitely grown over the past five years and I’m so proud of the community that has grown with it.



Amy Nicole: What has been your most memorable experience since starting your blog?

Elly J: About a year ago, I interviewed director, producer, and actor Jahmar Hill. He was looking for bloggers to promote his first movie, “Last Love Lost” and I reached out to him after a close friend of mine told me about it.  I think that was my most memorable experience because when I met him, I told him I wanted to work in film and I would love to assist him in anyway I can and he actually took me seriously lol. Since I met him I was able to work on set for his second film, “Fourth Quarter”, which will be out soon and I got a chance to learn about the film industry. I would say this is my most memorable experience because I was able to work with someone who believes in my talent wholeheartedly and trusts me to do write ups about his movie and his brand. It taught me a lot about myself and made me want to take my career to next level.

Amy Nicole: What are the most challenging aspects about blogging?

Elly J: It is very time consuming. I believe that if there is anything you want to do you have to be willing to sacrifice and be consistent. I do wish that I had been a little more on top of prioritizing my time because writing is an art and has to be perfected. So you have to stay on top of perfecting your craft and making sure you are putting your all into it. That’s definitely something I find is difficult and frustrating at times.

Amy Nicole: You conduct a lot of interviews for your blog. What story has inspired you the most?

Elly J: Oh wow, it’s been so many different people who’s stories have touched me and really motivated me. I would have to the interview I did with college professor and motivational speaker Lenny Williams probably touched me the most. His back story about being robbed at gunpoint, almost losing his life but the gun backfired and his life was spared was the most inspiring story I’ve heard. After that experience, he did a complete 360 and changed his for the better and now his traveling and speaking to different young adults. I’ll always go back to interview and read it over and over again because to me it’s a true testament of how God can work and use people in the most unexpected way.


Amy Nicole: What are your long term goals for your writing career?

Elly J: In addition to relaunching my site, I will be releasing my first novel. I have been working on three different novels since 2012 and I never got around to finishing them. I’m really excited because when I write is when I feel I am able to really express myself. I would like to keep releasing books that will be adapted into television shows and movies!

Amy Nicole: You are in the process of relaunching your site. What are some of the new changes that readers can expect?

Elly J: With this new website, I didn’t want to stop conducting interviews. Readers can definitely look forward to more articles about different people as well as more personal articles written by me. I really wanted to make this new site a reflection of who I am and what I like. Basically it will be an online magazine where you can get a little bit of everything, from fashion, to lifestyle tips, and more! My site will be up on October 17th and I’m very excited!

Amy Nicole: How can people reach you for business inquiries?

Elly J: I can be reached by email: bookwhatsupellyj@gmail.com for all business inquiries!

It was great getting to know more about Elly J and her brand! If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a blogger just starting out, we hope her story has inspired you to continue your  journey to success! Visit her blog here. 



Photo Credit: StereoGum


Author: The Double Scoop

Beyonce’ made us get “In Formation” and now younger sister Solange wants us to have a seat and listen. A Seat At The Table which is now the number one album on Billboard 200 is Solange’s 3rd studio album.

The album is such a breath of fresh air because it’s so authentic, personal, and relatable. It’s also such a symbolic album because many of the songs touch on topics that are relevant in today’s society especially regarding black culture. This album really put Solange at the forefront and made many (both of us included) who failed to notice her music before take a second look.  For many years people have referred to Solange simply as “Beyonce’s younger sister” but with this latest project she proves that she is a creative genius and a  force to be reckoned with.

Solange has been a singer and music writer for years, and she has always been content with being in her own lane and creating the type of music that she wants without looking for recognition.  

ASATT is socially conscious, filled with black pride and in true Solange fashion beautifully artistic. It’s obvious she put a lot of time and passion into the creation of this project because everything about the album is so cohesive; from her vocals, to the instrumentation, the lyrics, the artists she chose to collaborate with, and even the location where she created majority of the album which was in New Iberia, Louisiana where her grandparents met.

Photo Credit: HWing


The album includes interludes from her parents as well as several interludes from rap veteran Percy Miller (aka Master P.), who is one of Solange’s musical inspirations. He discusses reaching major success as a black owned company, the formation of his record label No Limit Records, and being able to recognize your value and worth in the industry.

Tina Knowles talks about black pride and the the stigma that sometimes comes along with that expression, and Matthew Knowles recounts the negative experiences he had  growing up during the civil rights era.

Each dialogue presents a different discussion to engage the listener’s ear.  I assume this is why Solange named the album “A Seat At The Table” being that most people who sit at a table together engage in conversation. Dope concept!  The album is packed with over 21 tracks each delivering their own unique message.

Cranes In The Sky is one of our favorite tracks and one that Solange actually started working on it 8 years ago.  The song is so relatable because it speaks on trying to escape a pain or filling a void by replacing it with temporary fixes.  

In one verse from the song Solange sings:

I ran my credit card bill up

Thought a new dress would make it better

I tried to work it away

But that just made me even sadder


Photo Credit: Pitchfork

Don’t Touch My Hair is  another favorite of ours. As black women who proudly rock our natural hair sometimes we notice the stares of people who may feel our hair looks too ethnic. The track also speaks of owning individuality and not trying to change or conform to appease others. It’s about not letting others diminish your shine or light.

In the song Solange sings:

You know this hair is my shit

Rode the ride, I gave it time

But this here is mine

You know this hair is my shit

Rode the ride, I gave it time

But this here is mine

Photo Credit: Direct Lyrics

The song “Weary” addresses the whole concept question everything and trust no one……

Solange advocates for human equality and urges listeners to question the reasoning for having a social hierarchy .

But you know that a king is only a man

With flesh and bones, he bleeds just like you do

He said, “Where does that leave you?”

And, “Do you belong?”

I do, I do

In the song “Mad” which features  Lil. Wayne Solange expresses the anger that many black people are feeling towards the continuous loss of innocent black lives by police officers. It also speaks on being mad without being able to fully express being mad due to possible ramifications.

In the chorus Solange sings,

Why you always gotta be, why you always gotta be so mad (mad, mad, mad)

I got a lot to be mad about (be mad, be mad, be mad)

Lil Wayne raps:

Then I walk up in the bank, pants sagging down

And I laugh at frowns what they mad about?

Cause here come this motherfucker with this mass account

That didn’t wear cap and gown

Are you mad cause the judge ain’t give me more time

And when I attempted suicide, I didn’t die



Other songs like F.U.B.U.which is the acronym for the the 90s clothing like For Us By Us encourages the empowerment/unity of black people in a majority white society.

All my niggas in the whole wide world

Made this song to make it all y’all’s turn

For us, this shit is for us

Some shit is a must

This shit is for us

The album as a whole  is a wonderful and creative body of work! Kudus to Solange for staying true to who she is and for putting out music that is relevant and important to what’s going on in society today.


blond review

blond 1

Author: Amy Nicole

I have been a fan of Frank Ocean since he dropped Channel Orange back in 2012. His sensual vocals and unique sound definitely make him a standout in the music industry. After a four year hiatus I was starting to wonder if he would ever make a return to music.

When Blond dropped last week I was excited to hear the project, however I was also skeptical if he would be able to match the same level of success as his first album.

I would describe the album as a beautiful maze. With a lot of Frank’s music you have to listen to the songs several times before fully grasping the concept. Initially I was confused by the meaning of the lyrics in some songs but after listening to the album a few times I was able to apply my own personal interpretation to the lyrics.

In the song Nike which is one of my favorites off the album,  Frank sings about the obsession of materialism and money.  He references this obsession as wanting to have Nike shoes. In the song Frank also briefly touches on the loss of black lives.  In one line of the song he says, “RIP Trayvon, that nigga look just like me”.

blond 2

In typical Frank Ocean fashion he reflects a lot on love.

Some of my other fave songs from Blond are:  Ivy, Nights, White Ferrari, and Godspeed.

In the song “Ivy” he reflects on a past relationship that didn’t work out. Based on the lyrics it seems as though the relationship didn’t last because the couple grew apart.

In the song “Nights” Frank again reflects on a previous relationship that has run its course.

In my opinion “Godspeed” is the  most beautiful song off of the album. My interpretation of the song is that it’s dealing with being in love and although the relationship doesn’t work out you can still have love for that person. Frank adds a religious touch to the song when he adds background vocals from gospel singer Kim Burrell.

Overall I was pleased with Blond. Frank stays true to his sound. The album is filled with soft gentle instrumentals, mixed with deep metaphors and analogies.

Photo Credits: TheQuietUs  HypeTrack