ferguson documentary

ferguson documentary

It has been over a year since the shooting death of Michael Brown by police office Darren Wilson and as of today there still haven’t been any charges brought against him.  Many people have become desensitized to this repetitive cycle by our judicial system and have accepted the fact that nothing can be done about it.

Director Jason Pollock refuses to let the voice of Michael Brown grow silent. Last week he announced that he would be directing a film about Brown’s case which will help clear up misunderstandings surrounding the case and that will reveal the truth about his death.

Pollock had the following to say about the upcoming film:

“My new film is going to take a deep dive into how an unarmed boy in sandals and shorts with his hands up, according to killer himself, could be executed in the street without any repercussions. This event has haunted me, as I know it has haunted many others. I needed to find out the truth! So I set out on a yearlong investigation of the facts, and what I have found needs to be seen and heard by the world.”

The film is said to reveal how key evidence was withheld and leaked, will expose corrupt witnesses and will highlight the racist history of the city of Ferguson. Pollock has set up an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign to help raise money for the film and has also created a trailer to help support the film.

You can watch the trailer and donate here.