Nat Turner Is Coming



Actor Nate Parker recently posted a picture on Instagram of him and veteran filmmaker Spike Lee with the caption: “Big Bro Spike Lee stopped in on the edit to give wisdom and show love.” #birthofanationmovie #natturner

Parker is busy working on his directorial debut film “The Birth of a Nation.” Aside from directing, he will also star in the film as Nat Turner. The film will focus on the 1831 slave rebellion that was led by Turner. It is said to be one of the most successful revolts in American history resulting in the deaths of between 55 to 65 whites in Virginia.

Parker has expressed that playing Nat Turner has been a dream of his although Turner was considered a “bad guy” in history.  The actor had this to say:

“A lot of people thought he was a bad guy, but it’s [about one’s] perspective.”  “I don’t think he was a bad guy at all, but we all have our ideas of what we want and why we want it, and what we’ll do to achieve those things.”

Nate Parker is one of my favorite actors. I have yet to see a movie that he has starred in that I was disappointed by, and with Spike Lee backing the film I think it will definitely be worth watching!

Do you guys plan on watching?


Source: Urban Intellectuals


1 thought on “Nat Turner Is Coming”

  1. My favorite historical actor as well. Would be lovely to see his perspective on Nat Turner. Being that his last noted performance was Beyond The Lights with beautiful Gugu, hey I’ll be watching.

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